20 Kinds of Sushi in Japan

20 Kinds of Sushi in Japan

Sushi is a $14 billion (USD) industry in Japan. There are types of sushi to fit every taste — vegetables, raw fish, cooked fish and meat are common ingredients.
This is a fairly exhaustive list of sushi ranked by (approximate) popularity in Japan. Western varieties are not listed (unless they happen to be popular in Japan).
Salmon Roe


Cucumber — named after a Japanese monster (Kappa) who eats cucumbers.

A lean cut of tuna. This is the inexpensive variety of tuna. When it comes to tuna, fatty cuts are more expensive.

Gonad of Sea urchin

Fatty Bluefin Tuna belly

Young Yellowtail

Cooked shrimp

Raw shrimp

Fried egg


Conger eel (saltwater eel)

Seabream Snapper


Japanese Jack Mackerel


Tuna thin roll


One of the rare types of Western sushi that's popular in Japan. A roll made of cucumber, imitation crab, and avocado.

A thick roll containing multiple ingredients. Common ingredients include egg, kanpyo, cucumber and mushrooms.
Reference : www.japan-talk.com
20 Kinds of Sushi in Japan 20 Kinds of Sushi in Japan Reviewed by Unknown on July 20, 2018 Rating: 5

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